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# What's happening then, dudes?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:39, archived)
# yay!!!
Love it!! :D
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:40, archived)
# pink eye holly!
Wooo! Yay!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:40, archived)
# Oh bugger off with your pink eye!
Eyes are pink! Go and check with the eyedropper tool. That or a beigey grey.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
# white of the eye.... like the white of an egg
not pink/flesh toned! adjust your monitor please!
edit : see - white!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
# nah, you know what the problem with that picture is
he aint stoned
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:46, archived)
# nor am i
i don't do drugs
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:46, archived)
# i was just trying to find a reason to expect the eyes to be pink
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:49, archived)
# Staring at b3ta to long
don't all our eyes look like that?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:52, archived)
# yes
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:53, archived)
# in that picture the eyeballs are pale pink and bluey grey
so stick that between your butt cheeks and sit down hard
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:48, archived)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:49, archived)
# ha ha ha
so why are his eyes yellow?

see thats better
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:52, archived)
# they look far more yellow there
and WRONG.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:59, archived)
edit 2 : yes they did look a bit yellow, but it was only a quick mend, better now?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:00, archived)
# I will do nothing of the sort.
Adjust your goddamn mind and eyes.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:01, archived)
# i clicked edit
edit : i don't have a god, therefore no goddamn either
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:02, archived)
# that's worse
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:02, archived)
# there i took some effort this time
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:05, archived)
# Yep
eyes are never the colour they look. Very strange.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:53, archived)
# no reason
Invite me in and give me breakfast
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:06, archived)
# *twitch twitch*
edit : now in my profile :D
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:10, archived)
# sorry I made such a horses arse of it
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:16, archived)
# ^this
bugger off should be said more often around here :D
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:46, archived)
# check the mirror sometime....
your eyes aint pink.... unless you've got some kind of health problem...
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:47, archived)
# They don't look pink in comparison to your skin
If I'd made the whites of his eyes truly white it would look weird.

EDIT: See?

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:50, archived)
# better
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:55, archived)
# But no
it looks silly. More cartoony, less realistic.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:57, archived)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:57, archived)
# *checks*
Right eye...

Click for bigger (37KB)

Left eye...

Click for bigger (45KB)

/has-nothing-better-to-do-than-take-photos-of-own-eyes blog
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:52, archived)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:55, archived)
# this thread is giving me the fear
I don't like being watched by quite so many eyes independent of other facial features *cowers*
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:56, archived)
# ^^ Animate please
It'd be frightening lully.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:56, archived)
# have a repost of one of my eyes
to celebrate your lovely peepers.

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:00, archived)
# O_o
aye eye aye!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:16, archived)
# particularly by IVV.
she's too nice to people.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:47, archived)
# she am lully
but you are right
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:48, archived)
# ^This
Less criticism, more posting of high quality vectorage.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:05, archived)
vectorage tracing
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:06, archived)
# :O
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:08, archived)
# thats...
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:40, archived)
# yes yes YES!!!
auntie mable, you is the best!

EDIT: right i'm off,
remember, if anyone asks after me... i wasn't here.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:40, archived)
# See ya later ives
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:52, archived)
# lo
and woo
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:40, archived)
# :D
Its me!

Lovely stuff m'dears
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:40, archived)
# This is more you!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:43, archived)
# :D
She was WAY better.

Boys called Holly, pffft...
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:44, archived)
# haha that's embarrassing
look at my post! i upped that fuck
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:53, archived)
# severe procrastination is what
nasty revision
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:40, archived)
# join the club
chuffin' marvellous Holly vector
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:42, archived)
# *will get arse in gear...soon*
bloody aspirations! means i have to revise properly :(
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:47, archived)
# *points and laughs*
first year student, just got to scrape the magic 40%* :D

*may not happen in this module if this essay doesn't get done tonight :-(
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:55, archived)
# that's wonderful
I do love him.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
# this is great
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
# Who is that?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:42, archived)
# you dropped this...
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:46, archived)
# anyone who asks who that is is obviously not british
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:48, archived)
# and should be ridiculed?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:49, archived)
# ridiculism is funny
and yes i did just make that word up
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:51, archived)
# lovely, lovely
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
# glees
Do us a lemon. That's a poor IQ for a glass of water.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
# We are talking
jape of the century :)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
# Yay!
This gives me glee...
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:41, archived)
# oh yes indeed
i'm glad i din't miss this :)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:42, archived)
# Heh, heh! Aceness indeed!
Evening all :)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:42, archived)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:42, archived)
# thankyou:)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:53, archived)
# we love him
not that tart who replaced him
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:43, archived)
# draw him doing the nostrolomo(sp?)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:43, archived)
# hi vino
lovely as ever
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:44, archived)
# Hello stranger
There's a Blackpool bash in November if you're interested...
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:55, archived)
# yeah, it's been a while
i'll do what i can to come along, i'd love to meet some fellow b3tans,
i have a baby girl of my own too now, 6 weeks old tomorrow :)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:59, archived)
# Awww
congratulations :)

Babies are ace, but very very tiring!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:00, archived)
but wow, amazing! she's great
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:05, archived)
They're all dead dave.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:44, archived)
# what? even pietersen?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:45, archived)
# He's dead Dave. Everybody's dead Dave.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:50, archived)
# Hol!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:44, archived)
# ace!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:45, archived)
# there is only one holly!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:47, archived)
# wasnt there a black one too
who was really holly playing a trick on the others!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:49, archived)
# ooo i think i remember that
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:50, archived)
# queeg
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:51, archived)
# bless you
doesnt really work, does it?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:53, archived)
# Queeeeeeg!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:53, archived)
# yes, you win a small prize
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:56, archived)
# wasn't the second Holly "Hilly" originally?
I pretty much gave up on the second series so can't remember
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:51, archived)
# i think that's in one of the books
not sure tho.
not a proper red dwarf fan obviously.
edit:nicely drawn, as always. d'you use a tablet and photoshop?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:54, archived)
# series 2, episode 6
holly's opposite was hilly, who holly changed into because he loved her.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:10, archived)
# You're right I think.
But I can't believe you didn't like Red Dwarf! Imo it just got better and better until the writers split up. Then of course it went straight down the toilet.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:55, archived)
# ^This.
The quality graph goes slowly up through to six, then falls of a cliff.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:00, archived)
# I liked the first series
but it quickly went off the rails for me.

I think it got a bit too egotistical
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:04, archived)
# The books are pretty good.
Worth a read, if you like that sort of thing.

Although like the series, the first (two) books are written by the gestalt entity known as 'Grant Naylor'. But they both wrote third books seperately. I think Rob Grant's "Backwards" is a lot better than Doug Naylor's "Last Human".

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:13, archived)
# Damn right
they forgot that the point of the whole thing was loneliness. It's a daft, but still relevant, metaphor for the human condition. As soon as they forgot about Lister being lonely then it all went to pot.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 23:05, archived)
# Sort of.
When they went to a parallel Red Dwarf, Holly was 'Hilly', played by Hattie Hayridge. I think there was some sort of explanation when he changed to her that it was reflecting the obsession he formed on parallel RD.

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:59, archived)
# friggin smashin'!
he used to live down the road from me.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:47, archived)
# And did you shout "I Lovett" at him all the time?
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:02, archived)
# Yay!
That's wonderful!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:48, archived)
# cool!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:48, archived)
# fp it hard!
excellent stuff, smeghead!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:50, archived)
# Excellent wallpaper fodder.
Good stuff.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:50, archived)
# yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 21:57, archived)
# Super Cool!
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:09, archived)
# yay!
that brings me much geeky joy
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 22:09, archived)