b3ta.com challenge: one million years bc
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This is a challengeOne Million Years BC (This challenge is now closed)

one million years bc

One Million Years BC What with all the running around in furs and grunting at each other it appears that people didn't have time to document their lives in mindnumbing detail back in prehistoric times. Christ, they didn't even have blogs! So, using the power of photoshop and your sordid imaginations, show us what life was like back then on the messageboard.

(Fri 7 May 2004, 10:41)
Pages: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# So that's why...


UGG = Hot
UGGG = Extinction Looms

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 16:36, More)
# Back then, we had REAL leaders...

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 16:36, More)
# According to the Bible
the world isn't anywhere near a million years old. So, here's a scene from as long ago as you can get without upsetting Christian fundamentalists

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 16:33, More)
# doyouthinkhesaurus?

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 16:15, More)
# Must have been done?!
Cheap & dorty, just how I like em!

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 16:12, More)

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 16:11, More)
# For Super Bock - the inside story

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 16:10, More)
# actually probably more like this!
and so the word scissors came about....long before scissors were actually invented!
(, Mon 10 May 2004, 15:56, More)
# Cave drawings really help
us visualise what life must have been like in prehistoric times...

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 15:47, More)
# Playground games were a bit crap...
and predictable.
Stone, stone, stone! Bugger! another draw!
(, Mon 10 May 2004, 15:35, More)
# After viewing the entries....
I have decided that this is no worse than some of the shite that has been entered by others - begin "Does not meet criteria" and "seamless" comments now you moose molesting malingerers! I pearoast in your general direction...

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 14:56, More)
# The Complete Adventures of Cavegirl and Captain Caveman
Okay first we had:


The next stage in the saga ...

Is nowhere safe?

And finally for those who don't find prehistoric men attractive there is an alternative. Surprisingly a little NSFW ..

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 14:54, More)
# l3ttle B3ta politics back then...

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 14:13, More)
# Quick and....

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 14:07, More)
# Prehistoric Graffiti

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 14:01, More)
# It's the way it was...

click for readability

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 14:00, More)
# Remember Moschops?
And no sane man would miss cave girl:

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 13:54, More)
# after returning from the future,
I can be the first to say -

Did anyone see I Am Not an Animal on BBC2 last night* - looks like they've been taking animation lessons at the school of b3ta..

My Brand New Animation - The Outrage Family

and for someone to respond - well actually it is a b3tan who etc. , etc., etc.......

*10PM Monday
(, Mon 10 May 2004, 13:06, More)
# my first post
this isn't funny at all. must try harder

(, Mon 10 May 2004, 12:34, More)
# It umm real....

umm bigger
(, Mon 10 May 2004, 10:50, More)
Pages: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)