How a quartz watch works
I quite like this guy because he keeps his video's short unlike some arseholes who can stretch a guide to lighting a match to 10 minutes.
Mark Hamill & Philip seymour Hoffman's love child
Truman Skywalker
(Snappyukgets BIGGER with free sample., Sat 29 Nov 2014, 10:05,
or Eddie Izzard before makeup
(Ping Telnetand the FTPs, Sat 29 Nov 2014, 11:31,
Fascinating stuff, and like you say, well-narrated.
(.Yeti., Sat 29 Nov 2014, 10:10,
Well scienced!
(eViLegionChief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Sat 29 Nov 2014, 13:57,
quartz watches are ugly inside
(omnitruncatedkrakenfrom Empire Algol, Sat 29 Nov 2014, 14:18,
Quartz watches have gold inside?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
wonder how many quartz watches you'd need for a gram of gold, and whether its worth collecting second hand watches
(Victoria'sBeardDifferent political view? I hate you!, Sat 29 Nov 2014, 15:36,
Why don't you do the experiment
and then come back and tell us if it's worth doing?
(P-MONKEWe're all fucked, Sat 29 Nov 2014, 16:41,
Am a millionaire
(Victoria'sBeardDifferent political view? I hate you!, Sat 29 Nov 2014, 17:11,