*edit* it was just me and this shitty connection, as you were people.
(artifusis doing it all wrong, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 20:03,
That's reet clever that is!
Looks so good. *clickety*
(NooShmooIt's a fantazmagorical pile of ultra bollocks, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 20:14,
Brill, will have to get my hands on a copy of that.
(Pig Bodine., Mon 11 Jun 2012, 20:19,
If you do let me know if it's as good as it looks!
(Herb Alpert's Taxi DriverI have very beautiful lips, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 21:20,
ooh that is pretty. :)
(miss fortunatelast posted ages ago, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 20:48,
LSD book
you could freak trip heads out with that badly
(robneymcplumspiced up his life on, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 20:56,
I was thinking that But didn't want to be seen as a one trip pony :o/
(Turquoise Hexagon Sunhas just dropped acid on, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 20:59,
Made me want more LSD
other hallucinagens are available...
(robneymcplumspiced up his life on, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 21:12,
Aware of that
Mushrooms prepped in anticipation for the latest Sigur Rós album, still trying to source DMT :o(
(Turquoise Hexagon Sunhas just dropped acid on, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 22:05,
DMT is a fucking nightmare...
but only for about quarter of an hour, if that.
(robneymcplumspiced up his life on, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 22:46,
Would still love to give it a go.
(Turquoise Hexagon Sunhas just dropped acid on, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 23:07,
Living in australia
It grows in the wattle which is their national plant. :)
(jakedamusssI understand, and dont care., Tue 12 Jun 2012, 7:38,
Nice The piano reminds me of 'Loner' - Renay's song. Would link but it's only on Spotify. A great album, recommended :o)
(Turquoise Hexagon Sunhas just dropped acid on, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 20:58,
Ve'y lu'lly
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 21:07,
wonder if they do a version in braile?
(fluffybunnykillerIs feasting on the clitoris of life, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 21:10,
Like an inverse cheese grater? so it would be nicer and not as violent?
(robneymcplumspiced up his life on, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 21:13,
That's rather beautiful.
(wheresthefishPartly filled with wrong, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 21:12,
I'll give it a click, just as soon as I've stopped having some sort of fit ;-)
(Fray Brentos*mega-belms*, Mon 11 Jun 2012, 22:09,
Looks greet
but its £20'ish on Amazon and only 64 pages.
(Sherbs, Tue 12 Jun 2012, 11:55,
Amazon 1-click ordering...
...you'll be the death of me.
Still, nice filler for the wife's birthday :)
(835Rocks, Wed 13 Jun 2012, 1:55,
It's just an advert
It's just an advert for a book, but it sure makes me want the book.
(Barticus, Mon 18 Jun 2012, 15:32,
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