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This is a question Claims to Fame

Rob writes, "My photoshop claim to fame: the way the crop tool greys out the rest of the image? That was my idea. I sent it to the Abobe features request thing back in ooh probably about 1998. (After spending a frustrating day cropping images for a dull
website, and wishing the tool worked better.)"

What crappy claims to fame can you make?

(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:49)
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Someone mentioned Adam Rickett.
My school spawned Will Carling, (met him at the time that he was alledgedly shagging Di) and "Dave the Photographer" (aka Dave Flint) from Chris "objectional bastard" Moyles's Show on Radio 1.

Dave used to be one of fellas who worked around a house in the school... perfectly nice bloke, just a wee bit slower than the rest of the sloth population: famous for conversations such as this...

"Hey dave, got any forks?"
"No, Got no knives, just forks"

Also famous for riding his bike EVERYWHERE and his enthusiastic "hiya", Dave could be greeted (while riding his bike) with a cheery wave and "hiya Dave" which would be faultlessly reciprocated.

I'll never forget watching someone mean enough to wave with both hands as he rode towards them.... Dave was unable to ride with no hands.. Dave crashed.

throughout the school, the phrase "Hiiya" was synonymous with "you COMPLETE 'tard"

Oh yeah... Rickett... I was sat at Uni watching Corrie... (god knows why), and suddenly I spat my coffie out... Adam Rickett on screen. in Bed. Six-pack and all.

Flummoxed me a tad... as HE also went to my school. I remember sitting next to him in GCSE english classes.

Purely un-remarkable, and in no way a claim to fame. I seem to remeber that dispite nearly everyone at that school being a spoilt, stuck -up arse-wipe, Adam was actually an OK guy, and a fekking BRILLIANT fly-half in rugby. (rah rah)
Apparently he's a star in the US... no surprise there.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 9:01, Reply)
Gryff Rhys Jones
I was told to piss off by Gryff Rhys Jones in Virgin records in Ipswich
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 8:14, Reply)
i'm so famous i had to emigrate
Well, alright, that's a total lie. But let's see...
I was born on the same day as Radio Cornwall started, and when I was about four the BBC phoned my parents and asked if I wanted to be on air lisping "Happy Birfdy Radio Cornwall!" My parents, ever greedy for fame, decided that yes, I would do this. They didn't count on me clamming up in the studio and refusing to speak to anyone for the rest of the day.
Also, I had highly localised fame at my university where I was known as the Union's "Dancing Barmaid." I thought it was all a figment of my imagination until a total stranger came up to the bar after a uni holiday and went "Dancing Barmaid! You're back!" Which was nice.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 7:35, Reply)
I took my son to Butlin's for a few days last year
And I met 2 of those folks that appear on 'Redcoats', and will probably be in Eastenders soon, providing the McDonalds calling doesn't get to them first. Oh, and I told one of them that he was a muppet (or words to that effect). The other was a very funny lad, with an odd name, 'Redcoat Dave'. I could not get over the coincidence.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 7:33, Reply)
Saw an opportunity and ran for Governor of California in 2003. Placed 41st out of 135 candidates. Didn't do as well as 'Ahnold' (1st); actor and mall security guard Gary Coleman (8th); porn star Mary Carey (10th); model Angelyne (29th); or game-show winner and college student Daniel Watts (39th).

Did better than the fancy dressers, though:

Trek Thunder Kelley (totally in blue, head-to-foot - 62nd);
David Sams (Uncle Sam in LA area TV commercials - 64th);
Diane Templin & Dorene Musilli (red-white-blue patriots - 69th & 77th);
Kurt Rightmyer (sumo-wrestler - 81st);
Bob Cullenbine (clown looking for a circus - 96th); or,
Reva Renee Renz (hot, hot, hot barowner in a mini-skirt - 127th);

and better than Kelly Kimball and Scott Mednick ('Bumhunters' and owners of Buttmonkey Beer - 78th & 105th); and much better than accused murderer Scott Davis (120th).

The best part was getting a brief appearance on Jon Stewart's Daily Show (see Crazy-fornia).

I need an entourage next time, though. Maybe the Flying Elvises, or lady mudwrestlers.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 7:32, Reply)
I've met both Clintons twice
that's it for now, though I'm sure I'll be very famous once I grow up a little. I'd be a good famous person.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 6:57, Reply)
poster child
As of Tuesday I am the new public face of my university's employment service. There's now a 4-metre tall banner of me over the main entrance to the union building and leaflets with me on the front. I suppose it's kind of ego-stroking in a totalitarian way to walk under a giant image of yourself to get to classes. I'm definitely stealing the banner for the side of my house when they're done with it.

What else... hmm. I won a statewide dog-drawing competition at age 8 and got to meet the governor. My uncle's met Bill Clinton. I met the lead singer from the band The Vasco Era over NYE; he was a good bloke and very pissed by 5pm. That's about all I can think of for now.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 6:55, Reply)
I was one of the second round of sub-editors on h2g2 when it first started up; I have a thank you card signed by some of the staff including Douglas Adams.

My girlfriend once received an email from one of her former schoolmates (who'd received it through someone he knows from work with whom I have absolutely no connection) which contained (amongst others) an image I had posted on b3ta a few months previously. It is unfortunate that it had been re-saved as a low quality .jpg, making the watermark look like just another compression artifact...

I was also at the same school as Rob Webb of various Edinburgh festival shows, Bruiser, Peep Show and Smoking Room "fame". I was either two years or one year below him depending on whether or not he was re-taking his A-levels at the time in order to get sufficiently high grades to enter Cambridge.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 6:22, Reply)
one of my friend's cousins is dating Michael Phelps. You know, that swimming lad from the olympics?

Apparantly the only reason why they're going out is because she treats him like crap. He thought it was charming.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 4:42, Reply)
Cereal killer
My wife used to share a flat with Shirley Manson - in the Goodnight Mr McKenzie days. Wouldn't smile 'cos it lined her face - but she'd shit in her BFs cornflakes for fun...
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 3:09, Reply)
Married with Children... raps!!!
Back in 1993/4, I was out one night with my then girlfriend at a tuesday night techno club (in sydney) when we were accosted by these two short arses asking us if we knew where any hip hop was played. They said that they were big stars in the US, and were out here trying to promote their crappy album of whitey white hip hop. The slightly taller one then started coming on very strong to my girly with lines like "your fingers taste like blueberries", and then he tried to lick them - needless to say, we chased these two idiot hosers out of the club.

Who were they? well the littlest one was the son out of Married With Children, and mister Blueberry Fingers turned out to be River Phoenixes brother - I at that time he was calling himelf Rain or Log or something.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 2:55, Reply)
When will I be famous...
Got a credit on an old school hip hop album “Full Force” by Full Force (solitary hit was “Alice, I Want You Just For Me!” – UK charts No.8, Jan 1986). I used to DJ and they were at a gig where I did a warm up before the main event and they heard me sample Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” over another record. Although it wasn’t the most original idea ever, they told me they loved it and used it for a track called “Dream Believer”.
I get a small thank you/credit on the liner notes, but the fame didn’t change me one bit.

I get on the local news fairly often when I am called out (paramedic) to traffic crashes etc. My little girl loves seeing me on TV – especially because I have a secret-hello-signal that I do just for her.
She thinks I’m dead cool, but the truth will come out eventually…
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 2:54, Reply)
My art teacher knew Jarvis Cocker
And my cousin worked at Cleopatra's casiona in Lake Tahoe, as Cleopatra.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 2:32, Reply)
Sooty and Sweep...
Once got spoken to rather rudely by Harry Corbett at one of his “Sooty and Sweep” shows. Sooty apparently “asked” me in his silent-whisper-stylee if I had been a good boy and not actually having heard the silent bear whisper anything to me, I didn’t reply.
Mr. Corbett got very upset with me, but his son and heir apparent Mathew was very kind and seemed a bit embarrassed by his dad.

I am over 40 and still have my Sooty hand puppet. If I had Sue and Sweep as well I’d be making little porno fisting movies for sure…
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 2:25, Reply)
Ahh Neighbours
Met Jason Donovan in a nightclub thing in Johannesburg, and he was coked off his tits. Offered me a record deal with his new label (or something). Never came thru the bugger...
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 1:59, Reply)
I locked eyes w/ PJP2
Was living by myself in a filthy apartment on Capitol Hill here in Denver when the Pope visited a few years ago for some youth conference. My apartment was two blocks away from the Catholic church where the Pope was staying. To commemorate the event, a free local paper provided instructions on how to fold one of its pages into a Pope hat (I believe the proper name is 'miter'), which I did, while eating lunch and drinking Sapporos at the Japanese bowl restaurant which was across the street from this church. Happened to walk outside, and into the crowd, wearing my Pope hat, and yelling at the top of my lungs, to no one in particular, "Look at me! I'm the Pope!" just as the motorcade was passing. The boisterous crowd of youthful Catholics quieted to cricket level and everyone was looking at me as the white limo drove by. And through the darkly tinted windows I could see John looking right at me with a somewhat dismayed, disapointed expression.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 1:26, Reply)
I'm not sure that I should admit this but...
When I was a young impressionable lad at primary school I stroked Terry Nutkin's snake (of Really Wild Show fame). It seems that I attract presenters of said program (possibly because of the snake incident?) as I've run into Chris Packham on 3 occasions since then: Maybe I should sell my story to a tabloid.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 1:06, Reply)
wasn't this question already done before?
several years ago, some people who worked on a popular American TV series started hanging around on the AOL fan board for that show, and they befriended several of us fans. One fellow in particular took a shine to me, and ended up naming a family of characters in an episode after me.

Eventually, he and his writing/producing partner left to do their own show, and he slipped my name in there a couple of times as well.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 0:54, Reply)
My dad was on 'Winner takes all'. He lost.*

I was on Radio 2 Popmaster. I lost.

My mum once went out with some trumpet player who was in a band that had a top ten single in the 60s. Woo.

I was featured in an antiques trader magazine about being an eBay trader. Whole page article with pictures and everything.

Then I got interviewed for Radio Scotland about the very same thing. The BBC even paid me for it.

I went to the same school as Dawn French. About ten years after she left.

I made Dave Gorman 'smile wryly'. By doing something very fucking stupid.

When I was 14, I had a poem published in an anthology of Lincolnshire Youth Poetry. Some kids at the local secondary school studied it in English class and everything.

I once snubbed Anne McCaffrey. Accidentally. I didn't know who she was.

*apparently Jimmy Tarbuck is an absolute cnut.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 0:43, Reply)
When I was 12 or 13...
I met Tony Blair (during his first term as Prime Minister), my dad and I also had a conversation with Cherie Blair (or Cherie Booth, as she apparently prefers). Rather more impressively this was as a result of being invited to tea at number 10. Slightly less impressively it was some publicity thing, they just sent letters to a load of schools asking them to send a pupil along - though it made the ten o'clock news. Meeting Tony Blair was an unexpected bonus though, as was (briefly) going into the cabinet room.

This was all topped by my sister though, who whilst she was a student at Cambridge University, fell over Stephen Hawking, in public. She walked out of a shop (or, I suspect, a bar) and straight into him and his wheelchair.

My other sister has met many famous people too, since she works in theatre and gets to go to after-show parties and bars frequented by celebreties. Oh, and my mum went to school with Estelle Morris. Also, a friend of my dad once phoned up Virgin Airways to complain, and got Richard Branson on the end of the line. Apparently he mans a phone for an afternoon every now and then to give his business 'the personal touch'.

The house I lived in as a child was used to film an educational documentary on coal (they were struggling to find a contemporary house with a coal fire, since it was about 1997 at the time). I was living there at the time, but didn't feature in the programme (although some kids from my school did, and my sister was in some other TV programme when she was at that school).

Finally, the chippy in the town in which I went to high school was apparently the first chip shop south of the Scottish border to sell battered Mars bars.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 0:18, Reply)
My Dad told ex-Gladiator Hunter to "Fuck off!"
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 0:16, Reply)
I once almost shook hands with Prince Edward.

Oh dear.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 0:11, Reply)
Crap claims to fame, eh?
Crap claim to fame 1: I was on rubbish 80s school quiz show "First Class" a couple of times - that one with Hypersports and Debbie Greenwood. I wasn't the one who got to play the games.

Crap claim to fame 2: My brother's met Princess Anne on two separate occasions. Fortunately she wasn't armed with her dog on either occasion.

Crap claim to fame 3: My dad once got a tin of tomatoes down for celebrity dwarf actor Warwick Davies in a Peterborough Sainsbury's.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 0:06, Reply)
Case of interest
Am in some law book listed as a case of interest as I was charged with possession of a firearm with intent to cause unlawfull violence(is part of the terrorism act) for shooting a guy off a bike with a toy gun and telling people bang bang your dead whist wearing a too small superman tee shirt cowboy hat and pig tails!!!
Actually was taken to crown court and had a 10 day trial before being aquitted!!
Kept getting told off by teh court ushers for giggling !!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 0:01, Reply)
Jim Davidson
My old hairdresser had the claim to fame of shagging Jim Davidson in her downstairs treatment room....needless to say I never went back for a facial there. Oh the thought of it on that couch Euuugh
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 23:57, Reply)
I used to
go out with the daughter of a Conservative MP. He's a PPS, if any of you know what that is. Her brother's godfather is some MP too. Someone Baker, I think. Ho hum.

Oh, and it's either my 2nd cousin, or cousin twice removed (I forget which) is Christian Cullen - he's an All Black rubgy player. He broke someone's nose by running into them :)
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 23:41, Reply)
a few years back
when i was living in New Zealand, in the shitty town of Timaru, I was in a drama league (professional shit) and I was the fairy that got all the lead parts coz I was a good actor and singer and shit. Anyhoo, this new movie came about and the recruited extras for it. I rode a horse around and did battly scenes and shit in Lord of the Rings (the first one)
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 23:41, Reply)
My dad
shared a school desk with Chaz out of Chaz'n'Dave.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 23:34, Reply)
Software Easter Egg
There is some software issued by the Australian Tax Office to all small businesses in Australia. I had a hand in developing it, so if you press the magic key combination my picture pops up in the middle of the screen. I'm such a geek to have done something like that, but I'm totally unashamed of it.
p.s. The magic key combination is CTRL+M. Heh.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 23:33, Reply)
Appearing as an extra in....
an episode of Poirot
Then stealing the name of the episode for my b3ta username.
Then setting up a small media studio with the same name.
Then duping US website TV TOME to include me in the cast list for the said episode.
Pissing myself laughing when they hyperlink my name to a page about my acting career.

EDIT : Then realing in fear as you realise you've just given all of b3ta your real name.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 23:27, Reply)

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