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This is a question Common

Freddy Woo writes, "My wife thinks calling the front room a lounge is common. Worse, a friend of hers recently admonished her daughter for calling a toilet, a toilet. Lavatory darling. It's lavatory."

My own mother refused to let me use the word 'oblong' instead of 'rectangle'. Which is just odd, to be honest.

What stuff do you think is common?

(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 16:06)
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My second rant
1. Speaking to people on the phone while on the toilet. This is 100 times worse when you enter the toilet in mid conversation. I've been called rude several times but even I can refrain from this behaviour.

2. Not sure if this is common as such but still irks me. You've met these people, they are more likely to be women but men can be guilty as well. They make the point of telling you that they 'get on with everybody' to show how non racist/judgemental they are. Now to a point this is true, they do get on with everyone. The reason for this though is not what they think it is. They will badger on to any poor fucker who has the manners to listen without cutting him/her off. This is across all classes but in my opinion makes you as common as eating a greggs sausage roll with your heat magazine on the bus.
(Please note I will happily do all 3 of the above so I'm just like everybody else)

3. This has been covered a few times on b3ta so I'll keep it brief. Do you comment on your friend's facespace page or whatever how drunk you were the night before and how hungover you are now?
Oh ok neither do I. But if you did you're no different from every other Generation X&Yer.

Just avoid the banter all together, although do wait for my handy book on things to say. e.g. "LOL! Omg u were sooooo drunk last night! Do you remember that funny fing I said to the barman last night? Takes one to know you or sumfink like that! Great night hun! Love you! Write back in next hour plz xxx"
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 0:07, 3 replies)
Errrrr, No 1....
I do that, I'm afraid.

But I do it quietly, and save the flush for once I've finished so as not to give the game away. Only a number 1 too, I'm too ladylike to ever do number 2, ever...

Would you still mind if you had no idea I was doing it?

Edit: I only do this as my sister has a habit of keeping me on the phone for an hour plus. I also eat my lunch, smoke cigarettes and completely switch off to the point where she asks what I think I panic and mumble something like "yeah, great idea" as that always seems to work.
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 1:26, closed)
I always plonk the phones on the side of the tub
if I'm having a bath and have received several important calls that way, including telephone interviews and job offers.

Keeping the splashing noises down is tricky and the sounds echo a bit in there. I usually start giggling because I KNOW they think I'm taking a dump. I must sound right common.
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 6:57, closed)
Ok to clarify
I don't have any problem with people speaking while in the bath on the phone.

I think a lot of it depends on whom you're speaking to and for how long. I've lived with a couple of different people in recent years who would go to the toilet whilst on the phone to the Queen. Not that they would get the chance but I'm sure you get the point.
Your sister who doesn't sound is always listening isn't nearly as bad.
No1 is more acceptable yes and to cap I will tell of my friend in college. We had been discussing an essay in great detail for around ten minutes, and the conversation was about to finish when I realised he had just flushed the toilet then told me he had just done a no.2!
Why he didn't wait I'll never know.
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 23:30, closed)

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