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This is a question My Biggest Disappointment

Often the things we look forward to the most turn out to be a huge let down. As Freddy Woo puts it, "High heels in bed? No fun at all. Porn has a lot to answer for."

Well, Freddy, you are supposed to get someone else to wear them.

What's disappointed you lot?
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(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 14:15)
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Too many have gone on too long
Even Python wnet downhill after the third 12 / 13 episode series. Look at Fawlty towers (2 series of 6 episodes), Blackadder (1 x 8 and 3 x 6) etc. Early series are great, but as they drag on the writers run out of material. Look how Red Dwarf tailed off. Even the Brittas Empire, One Foot in the Grave and Little Britain were great early on then sagged quickly. One offs, or short series like Big Train and the Fast Show were fine. The pressure is to crank out more and more of less and less quality (not enough time put into writing).

Fawlty Towers took over a year or so to write one six episode season (and not coincidentally so too did Ploce Squad)! Can you imagien that now? Too many writers means there is no theme (look how The Simpsons and Fraiser went downhill - how can 25 writers come up with coherency) and it's all doen too quickly.

Here endth Bob's pontificating.
(, Sun 29 Jun 2008, 4:57, Reply)

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