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This is a question Best Films Ever

We love watching films and we're always looking for interesting things to watch - so tell us the best movie you've seen and why you enjoyed it.

(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:30)
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If you like...
...Sloppy Giuseppe's description of Vanishing Point, check out The Driver (1978).

Yeah, it's that movie where the guy smashes up that orange Merc in a car-park.

Ryan O'Neal plays a bank-job getaway driver who is coaxed out of retirement by a crazy cop (Bruce Dern). Our man says less than 200 words in the whole thing (Ryan O'Neal's part was written for Steve McQueen) but delivers the greatest car chases ever committed to film. Seriously. Even better than Vanishing Point, The Gumball Rally (1976), The Seven-Ups, French Connection, Gone in 60 Seconds (1971), Bullitt and Dirty Mary Crazy Larry.

Imagine a film-noir cowboy-movie set in grimy 1970's New York with cars instead of horses. It's just awesome.

And it has a young Isabelle Adjani smouldering, speaking with a seductive French accent and smoking Gitanes throughout.

The best film ever is still the original Italian Job though.

That is all.
(, Mon 21 Jul 2008, 11:01, 2 replies)
On your recommendation...
I've just ordered a copy.

Mainly because I was so happy for the proof that finally someone actually reads my posts.

But also because it sounds awesome.
(, Mon 21 Jul 2008, 21:40, closed)
You won't be disappointed
Sheez, and someone read one of mine! Woo. You won't regret it. It's brilliant. Better than even VP, but only just.

The Driver is shot quite darkly - I hope your telly is feeling limber.

*maxes brightness and contrast*

70s car movies FTW
(, Tue 22 Jul 2008, 14:05, closed)

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