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This is a question World's Most Hated Food

What food do you hate the most? And why? Do brussel sprouts make you hurl? Can't stand the pea? Think baked-beans are the work of satan? Tell us, and tell us now.

(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 10:51)
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Celery celery fucking celery.

"You burn up more calories eating it than it contains you know!!" cry malnourished idiots through mouthful of stringy pulp. It's alien 'ribbed' textured holds a weak, yet strangely overbearing, uriney flavour that ruins anything it encounters.

"But it's great for eating peanut butter or cream cheese with!" - So it's a spoon?

Only, it isn't a spoon is it...? Spoons can be used over and over again, in fact, they're great. The reason they aren't in this instance is that spoons don't mask the fact that your shovelling pounds of cheese/dip/fat into your massive, frightening face - oh no, you're just eating some celery. You bastard.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 13:18, Reply)

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