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This is a question How nerdy are you?

This week Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, died. A whole generation of pasty dice-obsessed nerds owes him big time. Me included.

So, in his honour, how nerdy were you? Are you still sunlight-averse? What are the sad little things you do that nobody else understands?

As an example, a B3ta regular who shall remain nameless told us, "I spent an entire school summer holiday getting my BBC Model B computer to produce filthy stories from an extensive database of names, nouns, adjectives, stock phrases and deviant sexual practices. It revolutionised the porn magazine dirty letter writing industry for ever.

Revel in your own nerdiness.

(, Thu 6 Mar 2008, 10:32)
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Christ just remembered more
- I have a NAS in my house. All it stores is technical documents. It are 1TB big.
- I used to play Warhammer 40k (well, painted the miniatures, much more fun)
- Books, CDs, anything of volume requiring organisation; I sort it alphabetically AND BY GENRE
- I insist on green on black for all text windows
- I actually get a feeling of euphoria when I find obsolete or niche computer equipment on sale
- IRC. No explanation needed.
- I am a compulsive cable tidy upper, and tangled cables make me feel like someone is forcing cold sick down my neck
- I will spiral into a psychotic rage if someone confuses SYSV Unix with BSD (this is neither normal nor socially acceptable - I recognise this)
- I can recite a list of every computer I've ever used right back to the Commodore PET (a massive ice breaker at social functions eh)
- I still own an acoustic coupler

The list goes on - you would never guess to look at me that I'm a total and utter geek however. I sense that this is what has assisted me in leading a relatively normal life (that and drugs / booze)
(, Thu 6 Mar 2008, 17:23, 2 replies)
a terrabyte... full of technical drawing ? oh to have terrabyte storage... but it would probably be used for music and another type of 'technical drawing'
(, Thu 6 Mar 2008, 17:30, closed)
Dude, why the hell do you have the National Austistic Society in your house?????
(, Wed 12 Mar 2008, 9:49, closed)

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