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This is a question How nerdy are you?

This week Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, died. A whole generation of pasty dice-obsessed nerds owes him big time. Me included.

So, in his honour, how nerdy were you? Are you still sunlight-averse? What are the sad little things you do that nobody else understands?

As an example, a B3ta regular who shall remain nameless told us, "I spent an entire school summer holiday getting my BBC Model B computer to produce filthy stories from an extensive database of names, nouns, adjectives, stock phrases and deviant sexual practices. It revolutionised the porn magazine dirty letter writing industry for ever.

Revel in your own nerdiness.

(, Thu 6 Mar 2008, 10:32)
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Just remembered a party I went to...
...a couple of years ago. It was a get-together of an online gaming clan I was a fairly minor member of. Of course, I like my games, gadgets, sci-fi and other trappings of geek recreation but I'd not encountered geekiness at this level for a number of years and I was a bit taken aback. Don't get me wrong here, I enjoyed myself. The guys and girls there were from all over the country, and one or two from further still, of widely differing ages but all highly intelligent, affable and possessing surprising talents in a few cases. It was a most entertaining evening. But examples of weapons-grade geekiness observed include:

* Playing head-to-head in secret levels on GameCube and PS2 that they seemingly knew how to access for our entertainment in seconds.
* Drinking games of a complexity that I just couldn't handle in some cases. Can't even remember some of them, though that's probably due in part to the many forfeits incurred by my resulting poor performance.
* In the latter part of the evening, playing the soundtrack to that Buffy musical episode and singing along, in one case breathtakingly well. I didn't, for reference - seen the episode but I didn't know the words, and besides my singing voice sucks.

My aforementioned poor show in the drinking games left me a bit sloshed and I fell asleep in the porch toward the end of the evening. My hosts very kindly directed me to a couch, but not before taking a snap of it for the archives - fuckers :)
(, Sat 8 Mar 2008, 14:56, Reply)

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