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This is a question How nerdy are you?

This week Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, died. A whole generation of pasty dice-obsessed nerds owes him big time. Me included.

So, in his honour, how nerdy were you? Are you still sunlight-averse? What are the sad little things you do that nobody else understands?

As an example, a B3ta regular who shall remain nameless told us, "I spent an entire school summer holiday getting my BBC Model B computer to produce filthy stories from an extensive database of names, nouns, adjectives, stock phrases and deviant sexual practices. It revolutionised the porn magazine dirty letter writing industry for ever.

Revel in your own nerdiness.

(, Thu 6 Mar 2008, 10:32)
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I was touring the west coast branch lines of the UK recently..
I thought it would make a nice change from going to ibiza, drinking my bodyweight in alcopops every night and taking enough ecstasy to fuel the space shuttle.

So I boarded the two coach sprinter at Wigan, and was bemused to notice the orange and brown livery on the seats and the titanium alloy kickplates by the door. These seemed to contradict each other as the colour scheme was not used until the 1988 edition of the rolling stock but the kickplates signified a 1986 machine.

Then I noticed the dimpled rivets on the side metalwork and I thought to myself "Jim my old son", I thought, "what we have here is a hybrid", made in the Bounds Green works between March and October 1987 it was a forerunner to the 1988 model which had a more subdued interior and a cheaper brushed steel kickplate on the doorway.

I had to disembark at Salford so I could see a 1974 twin engine diesel hopper couple with a 1980 BR standard rolling stock coach.

I recorded all the events diligently in my notebook, keeping my thirst sated with regular drafts of weak lemon drink from my Transformers flask.

Imagine my surprise when it was pointed out to me by other travellers on the platform that I had omitted to put on my trousers before leaving my house that morning.

I am so geeky.
(, Sat 8 Mar 2008, 20:52, 5 replies)
Missed the double headed Class 47 ?

Trust me, trainspotter with no trousers on is very minor on the long list of things we have to deal with.
(, Sat 8 Mar 2008, 21:09, closed)
been reading "Notes from a Small Island"
(, Sat 8 Mar 2008, 22:21, closed)
Bill Bryson says...
"Now this train", he was saying, "is a Metro-Cammel self-sealed unit built at the Swindon works, at a guess I'd say between July 1986 and August, or at the very latest September, of '88. At first I thought it couldn't be a Swindon 86-88 because of the cross-stitching on the seatbacks, but then I noticed the dimpled rivits on the side panels, and I thought to myself, I thought, What we have here, Cyril my old son, is a hybrid.

(, Sun 9 Mar 2008, 2:07, closed)
My plagiarism foiled again.
I've got the CD set on in the car, and that section never fails to make me laugh whilst facing the morbid anonymity that is Milton Keynes on a grim Monday morning.
I'll try and be more original in future.
(, Sun 9 Mar 2008, 11:18, closed)
Never a borrower nor a lender be. Thats what I say.
(, Mon 10 Mar 2008, 12:53, closed)

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