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This is a question Now, there was no need for that...

Tell us about the times when an already difficult situation has been made worse for no good reason. Pollollups writes, "As if being given a muscle relaxant and trapped in an MRI tube wasn't bad enough: whilst thus immobilised, they played me Dido."

(, Thu 16 Jun 2005, 7:46)
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There was no need for what I did..
Me and a mate went to our local rock club which was, for a Friday, totally empty. We thought we'd drown our sorrows by inventing drinks at the bar and downing them.

I went to the loo (not that pissed) and woke up with the sound of the bouncer kicking the door in. Seems I'd been there for about 2 hours asleep and it was closing.

My mate got me outside and I threw up in the doorway of the Alcohol Advisory Clinic. (Certainly no need for that!)

To end the evening he propped me up against a lamp post and said "Stay there, I'm getting chicken!" and went into the takeaway. Instantly forgetting him I saw a taxi pull up, so I lurched forward and jumped inside with a "Home James!" look about me and as we drove off I watched my mate come out of the shop holding a chicken burger looking at me like I'm some kind of cranberry.

What a bastard I am.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2005, 10:43, Reply)

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