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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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key distinction
it would NOT be a shame to get rid of that
(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:06, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
It really would.
I like seeing Morris Dancing at fates (spelling? I'm sure there should be an accent somewhere, or possibly an i). Admitiedly I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who considered it a good hobby, but I'm glad it exists.
(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:08, Reply)
with a little hat over the first e maybe
(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:11, Reply)
You are correct.

(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:13, Reply)
The last time I saw morris dancing was at a country fair,
where they also had a piano smashing contest and steam rollers. Brilliant.
(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:17, Reply)
It is slowly dying out
Although there may just be enough people who would miss it to try to keep it alive. The problem being that you probably wouldn't care enough/be unselfconscious enough until you are much older, by which time the current practitioners will have died out and you'll be learning it from books rather than practice.
(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:20, Reply)

(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:20, Reply)
one kid in my year at school did it
you can imagine how well in there with the cool crew he was.
(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:23, Reply)
I didn't know kids were allowed to morris dance.
Possible health and safety consequences.
(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:25, Reply)
They even let women do it nowadays

(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:27, Reply)
it was 6th form
so he was 17/18
(, Mon 2 Apr 2012, 12:32, Reply)

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