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This is a question Pet Stories

When one of my cats was younger and a lot fatter, he came bowling in from the garden with an almighty crash. Looking slightly stunned, he'd arrived into the kitchen having ripped the cat flap from the door and was still wearing it as a cat-tutu. Did I mention he was quite fat?

In honour of Jake, a well loved cat, who died on Wednesday, tell us your pet stories and cheer us up.

(, Fri 8 Jun 2007, 9:15)
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Guard cats
One Christmas, my mother put the turkey neck out in the back yard for the cat. The cat loved it, gnawed on it, and dragged it to its corner of the yard before falling asleep under a bush.

A seagull took this chance to swoop in to steal the turky neck. Buddy was possessive of it though. He rushed out, puffed up, and attacked a seagull twice his size. As soon as it flew away, he got a look like he was scared shitless, started shaking, and wandered back under his bush.

He apparently didn't even realize what he was doing until AFTER he jumped the massive bird.

Another cat more recently, Pissarro, would sit by the door watching our front yard. Since we lived on Kauai, there were wild chickens that had been spread across the island after the hurricane. A group of them would come wandering into our yard, and *BAM* Pissarro shot out the door and down the path after them.

Kept them out of the garden.

Occasionally when there were no chickens, he would randomly bolt out the door and halfway up the telephone pole in our yard. Or just attack my legs then run off.

He also liked stalking me when I was doing yard work. When I least expected it he'd fly out of the air, claws out, land on my back and administer the death bite. Still have the scars. Cheeky bastard.
(, Mon 11 Jun 2007, 4:39, Reply)

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