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This is a question Posh

My dad's family are posh - there's at least one knight and an ex-lord mayor of london. My mum's family come from Staines.

How posh are you? Who's the poshest person you've met? Be proud and tell us your poshest moments.

(, Thu 15 Sep 2005, 10:12)
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I could have been Lady Caroline Wallis...
... if an Aunt several hundred years ago hadn't married for love instead of money and given up her title into the bargain. The silly cow!
Perhaps not poshest moment, but most embarrassing; Falling down some stairs at a very posh social do, shouting some very rude words very loudly, only to look up and for an old Bishop to be there, beaming down at me, and saying to me 'You swear in the most delightful accent, my dear. And I'm sure He would have said similar words in such a predicament'.
Oh, and the time I was presented as a debutante by a friend of the family who is descended directly from the Plantagenets. Sadly, none of the men interested me in the slightest, so no marriages into fortune here.
(, Thu 15 Sep 2005, 21:05, Reply)

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