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This is a question Rock and Roll Stories

My personal Spinal Tap moment came when we got locked into the Festival Hall in London by accident. We ended up wandering the maze of backstage corridors carrying a three foot high piece of cheese looking for the one door that would lead us to salvation.

What goes on tour may stay on tour, but B3ta doesn't count. Tell us everything.

(, Thu 29 Jun 2006, 13:47)
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That was who?
A few years ago i had the misfortune of working.....full time.....in a country pub. This in itself was dull, but when combined with the regular...urm....regulars, it was really dull.

Anyway, one stereotypical skull-numbingly dull day i'm pulling pints as usual when i'm distracted by the 8 tonnes of Toyota Landcruiser out front, seemingly doing it's best to remove the paint from my innocent little Rover. Seriously, we're talking millimetres here...pure luck my motor wasn't bent.

The large hairy chap gets out of his Chelsea tractor and enters the pub. I don't care that he's big, he nearly fucking smashed my car, and on this basis i proceed to give him a piece of my mind....GGGRRRRR AARRRRGHHH WATCH MY CAR....etc etc.

Big man apologises lots, turns around and leaves. Leaving me feeling mighty smug about my telling-off abilities.

Its only then that i realise the whole pub has fallen silent, jaws on floor etc.

"Should i not have done that?" I sheepishly ask my boss.....

"Well" He says. "I would have liked his autograph before you gave him a bollocking....."

Ah......That'll be Robert Plant of Led Zepplin fame then....


Lenght, lots...girth, very little..worth the 2 minutes of your life that i just stole? You-fookin-betcha! Go on though, you know you like this....
(, Fri 30 Jun 2006, 13:25, Reply)

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