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This is a question Your first cigarette

To be honest, inhaling the fumes from some burning leaves isn't the most natural thing in the world.
Tell us about the first time. Where, when, and who were you trying to show off to?

Or, if you've never tried a cigarette, tell us something interesting on the subject of smoking.

Personally, I've never ever smoked a cigarette. Lung damage from pneumonia put me off.

(, Wed 19 Mar 2008, 18:49)
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The start of the affair, and hopefully the end too
Had my first one at 13, Consulate menthol fags that I've since found are excellent when rolled with 'ahem' other materials.

A bunch of kids would go down to the river and smoke and I joined in, partly because I was curious and partly to avoid the traditional mid-afternoon kicking from my hateful stepbrother.

After a couple of tries I got the hang of inhaling and got the nicotine hit. Fantastic stuff, vision and legs going and a massive headrush. I've been hooked ever since.

25 years on and I'm giving the little buggers up in a few weeks. I've managed to stop for a week or so at a time and always come back to them but have come up with a cunning plan.

I'm moving to California, where asking to smoke is a faux pas equivalent to asking if you could pop upstairs for a quick one with your host's daughter. Hopefully a year in a state where smoking is social death should do it.
(, Fri 21 Mar 2008, 15:18, 3 replies)
Menthol spliffs
Are somewhat ace, I agree.
(, Fri 21 Mar 2008, 18:20, closed)
I once asked my host whether I could have sex with his daughter
He got so mad, he made me have sex with all of his daughters.
(, Fri 21 Mar 2008, 19:26, closed)
mingy joints
Consulate spliffs? Yurgh, I would rather smoke camel poo. Minty joints make me want to yak!
(, Sat 22 Mar 2008, 1:10, closed)

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