b3ta.com user guest_account
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Profile for guest_account:
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Mm, I think I'm going to go create my own account. It'll be something along the lines of "hoboph0bic". fawow.

Naomi Mc gowan. I have no willy. Sorry.

Bum Poo Willy! (This account needed some wit and gravitas)

The biggest lie the devil ever told was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Feel free to use this account if you're too chicken to post under your own name. Password is parp

Chicken is as chicken does.

But a moose is rarely ever loose.

Gotta watch those badgers mind...

Cant believe this account's lasted so long :)

(Outsider's Note: Until it's hijacked by a Pagan.) (other note: or me.)

Cranberry watermelon happy baby orangutan

Badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers
Mushroom MUSHROOM!!
stand up and walk outside

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Best answers to questions:

» Worst Record Ever

I won a tape of New Kids on the Block - trying to relaunch themselves as NKOTB. Song was called 'Dirty Dawg' The lyrics are:
"Dog, dirty dog
dog, dirty dog
dog, dirty dog
you're oh so dirty"
Complete with samples of dogs barking. The DJ gave it to me as a prize for being the best dancer at my primary school disco. To avoid getting any more shit tapes I have never danced again.
(Tue 2nd Dec 2003, 21:20, More)