i'm pretty sure this guy has a cum stain on his pyjamas, i would take a snapshot and call it 'CUMSTAINSLOL' but i've already been banned for doing similar stuff
Rattlehead all time with the gay, forever touching,
Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:51,
Banned from where?
Dave Trouser ; the people's choice - 75% agree,
Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:59,
that site Gigapan
EDIT: truth be told, i was sent an e-mail telling me to "play nice" so i told them to fuck off.
Rattlehead all time with the gay, forever touching,
Sun 11 Apr 2010, 19:00,
Oh that's ok then. For a while I thought you meant here, and I was preparing to DO ONE.
Dave Trouser ; the people's choice - 75% agree,
Sun 11 Apr 2010, 19:01,
Rattlehead all time with the gay, forever touching,
Sun 11 Apr 2010, 19:02,
Oh. Ew.
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better,
Sun 11 Apr 2010, 20:46,