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# right
because the BNP never bend the truth.. seriously, there's a debate to be had about immigration, but the BNP have fuck all to contribute but hatred
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 15:52, archived)
theres no hatred at all, the only hatred I see is from people who hate us for the wrong reasons. I guess wanting an end to a war that has killed a million people, and fuel prices that kill thousands of old people a year is a wrong thing?
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 15:55, archived)
# nothing wrong with that at all
but you know as well as I do that the BNP's main issue is immigration. I'm assuming you also know some of Nick Griffin's connections with extreme right wing groups, for example the KKK?
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 16:09, archived)
Most BNP supporters don't see immigration as a main issue here, only people who keep trying to pull the race card on us are the ones bringing up immigration.

The main issues are leaving the EU, pulling out of the war, ending foreign aid, decreasing fuel prices, increasing manufacturing....and finally immigration.
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 16:37, archived)
# Really? Then how come the main policy at the last election was paying ethnic minorities to "go back home"?
As for the rest -
- Leaving the EU will be bad for the UK economy anyway you look at it, ignoring the Daily Mail-esque hysteria about subsidies, we are benefit from membership.
- We are already pulling out of the war, just doing it in a phased & practical way rather than the pathetic idea of throwing our toys out of the pram & taking our ball home.
- Foreign aid benefits the UK economy as most of it is in subsidies to buy UK goods & services, as well as making countries more likely to trade with out in preference of our competitors.
- How exactly will you decrease fuel prices - we have very few means of producing our own power and are now reliant on foreign sources. The BNP policy of nationalisation will simply cost the Treasury billions of pounds for companies that still have to buy in gas & oil, which will then have to be paid off by the tax payer, probably through increased fuel tax, thus actually raising the price...
- Increase manufacturing all you like, no fucker outside the UK will buy anything as our labour & material costs are too high.

And then we get to the core point of the BNP - being racist scum.
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 17:16, archived)
The EU costs us billions in membership....billions that we never ever see again. And it doesn't benefit us one bit...infact we lose more money through the common fisheries policy, which allows all 27 memberstates to fish in our waters, therefore reducing our fish stock and taking business from OUR fishermen.

We aren't already pulling out, yes we are pulling from Iraq, but we are still all-out in afghanistan. And our leaders are now planning a war in Iran....of all places.

You're saying foreign aid benefits us? Are you on crystal meth? We're paying about 130 odd small countries with brutal murderous dictators around £13 billion a year to buy guns so they can overthrow themselves. And what you're saying makes no sense, why would we pay other countries to trade with us? That defeats the whole object of profit, etc.

We can decrease fuel prices in many ways. We have a very high fuel tax....if this is decreased, people will buy more fuel, and the government will end up getting the tax back anyway, as it always does. Otherwise, we can start digging up the hundreds of yearsworth of coal we have left underground, and build more nuclear power stations. Then we have plenty of cheap electricity.

There, now hopefully that answered your wrongful statements.

And P.S. I hear you're a racist now...father.
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 18:17, archived)
# you hateful fuckers
hide behind half-truths and abiguous statements ("get rid of" being a case in point).. You're too scared to even admit what you are
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 16:22, archived)
I don't hide behind any half-truths, when I say 'get rid of' I mean we should get rid of the way they attack pensioners and threaten people with abuse, smash windows, and generally cause problems for 90% of the population.
Ofcourse, you, probably being a hateful idiopath, probably think I meant 'kill them'. Why would anyone do such a thing? we'd just sort emout the good old fashioned way ;)
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 16:33, archived)
# chilling
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 16:49, archived)
whats chilling? thefact that you instantly think im a murdering? yes thats chilling, on your behalf.
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 17:14, archived)
# Ah, concentration camps
Why didn't you say? That's OK, then.
(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 17:04, archived)