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# Yes, and went on to establish a network of free-range angel farms, where they could live happy, carefree, well-nourished lives until
they were slaughtered and their meat sent to the world's most ethical Michelin-starred restaurants.
Does a lot of good, that man.
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 8:38, archived)
# with the skin ans wings sent to dog food factorys and mcdonalds
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 8:40, archived)
# Which explains why I often end up spitting feathers after having a McDonald's.
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 8:45, archived)
# we took the kids to build a bear
£36 for two toys, I was the one stitched up
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 8:49, archived)
# And all of you ended up shitting angel wings and skin into the bog.
They do say a happy family life is a perpetual series of trade-offs.
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 8:54, archived)