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# indeed
it's not what i envisioned, the vid up the top right was meant to be way longer, but it was about 30 frames and the main anim was only 8.
deki gave me a program that lets you layer gifs on top of each other, but even when i optimized and resized the fuck out of it, i only got it to 670kb.

EDIT: i now know why, photoshop wouldn't change the original gif to match the amount of the larger one, but the other program would.
(, Mon 19 Sep 2011, 23:23, archived)
# Hallo
I've recently become addicted to EVE online, so won't be japing, glad I caught this one, yes sirree.

What you can do, is open Gif Movie Gear, open your penguin spew gif as is.

Then Blend Animation with...your re-coloured russian skater gif.
(will have to resize before hand) Position it where you want.

Then optimize, should come out at around 300kb.

I tried one here quickly for ya;

Ed: Mines come out all jittery..
There's an option called 'Synchronise by Timing' when you're Blending two gifs together, might be that.

reet, off for sleep, ta la
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 0:09, archived)
# yeah i figured out what the problem was
on photoshop if you try to paste a 30 frame gif over an 8 frame one, it doesn't work. movie gear was automatically increasing the penguin anim's frames to match the other clip.

also, hahaha at the polish skater clip.
(, Tue 20 Sep 2011, 0:21, archived)