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# wow
(, Sun 29 Jan 2012, 12:27, archived)
# this
actaully segues from the thing i did below (monkey at a computer). the relationship between monkeys and cyber intelligence. which i guess is why dorkins came up was it yesterday in amidst the monkey stuff? the relationship between the hominid primate brain and the ancillary technology that there is an ongoing suspicion will develop its own destiny... yay terror nation
(, Sun 29 Jan 2012, 12:35, archived)
# you make me think of the monkey in Lawnmower Man
who is wired up to Virtual Reality gear that looks a bit Robocopesque, being trained in the VR simulations for real-world combat - with movie-predictable results:
(, Sun 29 Jan 2012, 13:50, archived)