Maybe wraparound? Depending on how the values are handled, a value of 258 can end up as 2 (258-255). Hard to say without getting into the guts of the code.
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Tue 31 Jan 2012, 23:07,
Yes, I was thinking that, integer overflow
except there's no good reason for an overflow to occur at that boundary between 172 and 173, unless there's something scaling the 172 up to some 2^N-1, and though I fiddled around with the calculator for ages I couldn't find any reasonable way for that to happen. To get the 255/256 boundary you have to scale them both up by around 1.48; so that doesn't seem to mean anything. If you multiply by three, they just miss the 511/512 boundary: 172*3 is 516. Maybe *3 and then minus 5? Why, though?
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Tue 31 Jan 2012, 23:53,
This is getting far too geeky
The only thing I could think of was bad handling of signed/signed bytes. Then you get wraparound/overflow at 127. Java did it to me a lot when I ported a bunch of my old c/c++ code (the bastard, *shakes fist*).
[edit] Using the luminance algorithm, 173 * 0.72 is 124(ish), which is pretty close to the boundary.
[editedit] Except 0.72 is the factor for the green channel. Fucksocks!
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Wed 1 Feb 2012, 0:40,
[edit] Using the luminance algorithm, 173 * 0.72 is 124(ish), which is pretty close to the boundary.
[editedit] Except 0.72 is the factor for the green channel. Fucksocks!