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# hey Rob...
How about a bit of Javascript to pick a random logo for the top of the page each time you reload?  That way we get to see everybody's contribution...
Something like this should do it:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2'>
pics = new Array();
pics[0] = 'http://sideburns.8m.com/images/b3ta.gif';
pics[1] = 'http://website.lineone.net/~toad777/b3t.jpg';
pics[2] = 'http://website.lineone.net/~toad777/b3t1.jpg';
Document.write('<IMG SRC = '' + pics[Math.floor(Math.random() * no of pictures)] + ''>');
(, Thu 13 Dec 2001, 8:48, archived)
# ummm
Isn't that whats already happening?

it is on mine anyway...
(, Thu 13 Dec 2001, 8:54, archived)
# or maybe not...
(, Thu 13 Dec 2001, 8:57, archived)