Top Internet hardmanning there.
I'm still on 2.0, I must be even more unpleasant than atomic.
Plague Hedgehog 'posting crap',
Sun 30 Aug 2020, 14:01,
Next time you need to badger him more. He likes that. Probably the only real interaction he gets in life. Sad.
atomic A-bomb-a-nation,
Sun 30 Aug 2020, 18:08,
Keep calling him a racist cunt then, gotcha.
Plague Hedgehog 'posting crap',
Sun 30 Aug 2020, 20:50,
And are very unpleasant.
That's why I like you. :)
atomic A-bomb-a-nation,
Sun 30 Aug 2020, 18:09,
You're shit at playing hard-to-get, you know that right?
I mean not as shit as PG-13 is at life, obviously, but then nobody is.
Plague Hedgehog 'posting crap',
Sun 30 Aug 2020, 20:48,