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# *cough*
not all of us...
*whistles innocnetly*
Dont Look At Me Like That! *blush*
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 16:12, archived)
# I want to believe you ...
.. I really do
but I don't
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 16:16, archived)
# prove
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 16:17, archived)
# i always...
...got worried when my ex whistled innocently - it often indicated otherwise!

sorry for jumping on your post :o)
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 16:17, archived)
# nah
me only do it when i feel like it-
and i dont mind- jumping on posts hurts if you land on them the wrong wya- like when falling off a horse for example (know someone who did-ouch)
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 16:20, archived)
# ouch
have done much the self same thing myself - the bruises seemed to be particularly long lasting.

i will ensure all future post jumping is done with pillows in tow :o)
(, Fri 9 May 2003, 16:21, archived)