You go grrrrrl!
We SO are! We're gonna come back as flutterbys and nice stuff and they'll come back as the smell of pump!!
Mon 2 Jun 2003, 15:58,
1 - You people are newbies, for not getting the joke
2 - the joke is, people who are new to the website always seem to display the Red-Cross on there first-pic, or they host it on GeoCitie type stuff.
Get it now?
Mon 2 Jun 2003, 16:06,
actually that wasn't the joke but thanks
for explaining it for me.. actually it was basically just that the image to illustrate the song hasn't been started yet, ie it's only just begun! but i really like your explanation as it makes me sound even cleverer!
Mon 2 Jun 2003, 16:50,