The most impressive mistake in the kitchen was when I tried to make a meal involving fried rice. I hadn't (and still havevn't) got the faintest clue how it should be done, so I reasoned:
Big suacepan
Bit of oil
Make them really, really hot.
Add the rice (raw, of course), and shuffle it about a bit.
The resulting clouds of smoke (which were for some reason a rather pretty blue colour)meant my flat (12 of us in student halls) had to be evacuated.
The first kitchen disaster I can remember is entirely the fault of warner brothers, Gods though they are. I was a tiny child, and had just seen a cartoon with pirates in carrying big, curvey swords. To test how sharp they were they ran their fingers along the blades before leaping into battle. Cartoon finished, I went into the kitchen where my mum had just finished sharpening the carving knife. The resulting scene, my mum's back turned for a moment, can be best described as
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Thu 9 Oct 2003, 10:29,
Big suacepan
Bit of oil
Make them really, really hot.
Add the rice (raw, of course), and shuffle it about a bit.
The resulting clouds of smoke (which were for some reason a rather pretty blue colour)meant my flat (12 of us in student halls) had to be evacuated.
The first kitchen disaster I can remember is entirely the fault of warner brothers, Gods though they are. I was a tiny child, and had just seen a cartoon with pirates in carrying big, curvey swords. To test how sharp they were they ran their fingers along the blades before leaping into battle. Cartoon finished, I went into the kitchen where my mum had just finished sharpening the carving knife. The resulting scene, my mum's back turned for a moment, can be best described as