We have 2 siamese cats, the most child like creatures ive ever know, and there nuts.
Take Suki, my crazy princess, for example. If we're in a room with the door shut and not wanting the cats in (eg, when we're trying to sleep cause they attak your hair) You hear her wailing for about 5 minutes and you know whats going to happen
*acending volume sound of running cat getting close*
followed by desparate scratching and a clump sound before.....'mew?'
She runs and leaps as high up to the shut dor as possible, desp[arate clawing to stay up which is impossible before crashing in a heap and giving a pitaful meaow in which we feel mean and let her in for about 10 seconds when we chuck her out after pouncing on my head.
Shes dont it all her life
My sisters hamster Spatz (it had white feet)lived for over 5 years which is very old for a hamster. During its life he was dropped (the day he was bourght cause she felt sorry for it), hurled across the room hitting the breakfastroom wall when my sister thought it would be funny to put him on the shoulder of my godmother who was terrified of rodents, fed everything you can imagein like chocolate caramels, cork, popcorn, escaped 3 times and farthered 7 babies. He also got this terrible cyst or something over his eye when my sister was on german exchange with the school and my mum and eye stayed up all night cleaning it to keep it open that made him live for another year.
What a guy
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Wed 15 Oct 2003, 16:41,
Take Suki, my crazy princess, for example. If we're in a room with the door shut and not wanting the cats in (eg, when we're trying to sleep cause they attak your hair) You hear her wailing for about 5 minutes and you know whats going to happen
*acending volume sound of running cat getting close*
followed by desparate scratching and a clump sound before.....'mew?'
She runs and leaps as high up to the shut dor as possible, desp[arate clawing to stay up which is impossible before crashing in a heap and giving a pitaful meaow in which we feel mean and let her in for about 10 seconds when we chuck her out after pouncing on my head.
Shes dont it all her life
My sisters hamster Spatz (it had white feet)lived for over 5 years which is very old for a hamster. During its life he was dropped (the day he was bourght cause she felt sorry for it), hurled across the room hitting the breakfastroom wall when my sister thought it would be funny to put him on the shoulder of my godmother who was terrified of rodents, fed everything you can imagein like chocolate caramels, cork, popcorn, escaped 3 times and farthered 7 babies. He also got this terrible cyst or something over his eye when my sister was on german exchange with the school and my mum and eye stayed up all night cleaning it to keep it open that made him live for another year.
What a guy