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# Once..
When I was about 5, at my old house, I was being slow putting my shoes on to go to school, my mum told me to hurry up. I said 'I'm talking to the man on the stairs'. My mum freaked out liked a whore and started asking me questions... It turns out that the lady we had bought the house off died half way through the deal - AND the window I was sitting next to at the time was where they found the body of her husband after he died of some heart-related thing. HARDCORE.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2003, 14:43, archived)
# problems with the paranormal
I am a research fellow at Rhine and have seen much. I do not intend to post any narrative here for reasons of privacy. I have read through most of these stories and have come to a few conclusions. One thing I must point out is that at onset, a demonic incursion and a valid haunting can be indistinguishable one from the other. The amount of damage, both psychic and physical, that the former can wreak is considerable. Playing with Ouija boards can draw the attention of these entities like moths to a flame. This is called the Principle of Attraction. In other words, if you play with fire, you are going to get burned. I would like to urge those who do not actively seek paths of power to leave such things alone. I have personally seen the consequences and they are not pretty.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2003, 18:35, archived)
# Anyone Know...
(, Fri 31 Oct 2003, 18:38, archived)