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# a ghost story, even though I don't believe in them
In the last house I lived in, in Nottingham, there was one corner of the front room that felt bloody freezing, and it felt like there were cobwebs landing on you if you sat in the chair in that corner. One day, I sat there, waited for it to happen and then shouted 'IS THAT THE BEST YOU'VE FUCKING GOT?!' (I was slightly drunk at the time..)... the feeling stopped and never came back.

I've no idea what could cause it, other people had been able (up to that point) to feel the 'strangeness' in that corner. Weird. Nothing else happened after that, my house mate moved out due to financial reasons and I was alone in there for a few months. It was still really cold, but that was because it was November and the boiler had packed in. Ho hum.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2003, 12:21, archived)
# people who know about this stuff (e.g. jeligula and steponfrog)
can anyone tell me more about it, ghosts magic demons etc? i don't want to get 'involved' i'm too much of a coward but i find it fascinating and want to learn about it, and wanted it from people with first hand experiance rather than trawling through the net, which is full of sites by 14 year olds who've seen a few eppisodes of buffy and think they're warlocks.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2003, 13:34, archived)