one of those high class places, that cost like £100 for a starter. The uniform was green and white (incase you were interested)
Anyway, I had been working there for a number of weeks, about 3-5 if i recall correctly, and hating every last minute of it. The customers alwasy used to talk down to you and acted as if they were royalty.
On my last day of work (you will see why shortly) i was serving organic tomato soup to a vegitarian lady. as i was about to serve it to her she asked me 'what soup it this?' so i replied 'Its organic tomato soup madam, made in the vegitarian kitchen' which i thought would have answered all her questions, insted she asked me 'so there is no meat in it?'. 'No madam' i replied 'the soup is made fresh in the vegitarian kitchen, none of the utentils involved in the process have had any contact with meat what so ever'. 'so there is no meat' she replied, so i reitterated my previous statement, being as polite as possible, but, yet again she asked me if it contained meat, so i told her, again, that it didn't, this went on for a while, and i was getting more and more worked up. So after the 8th time she asked i said 'If you don't believe me madam, why not check for your self' and proceded to pour a ladle of soup into her lap.
I was promptly fired after that and told i wasnt allowed in the hotel again
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Sat 15 Nov 2003, 4:07,
Anyway, I had been working there for a number of weeks, about 3-5 if i recall correctly, and hating every last minute of it. The customers alwasy used to talk down to you and acted as if they were royalty.
On my last day of work (you will see why shortly) i was serving organic tomato soup to a vegitarian lady. as i was about to serve it to her she asked me 'what soup it this?' so i replied 'Its organic tomato soup madam, made in the vegitarian kitchen' which i thought would have answered all her questions, insted she asked me 'so there is no meat in it?'. 'No madam' i replied 'the soup is made fresh in the vegitarian kitchen, none of the utentils involved in the process have had any contact with meat what so ever'. 'so there is no meat' she replied, so i reitterated my previous statement, being as polite as possible, but, yet again she asked me if it contained meat, so i told her, again, that it didn't, this went on for a while, and i was getting more and more worked up. So after the 8th time she asked i said 'If you don't believe me madam, why not check for your self' and proceded to pour a ladle of soup into her lap.
I was promptly fired after that and told i wasnt allowed in the hotel again

For six months I had a lucrative job working at the very inefficient incinerator of a private hospital in Dublin.
The uniform was great...boiler suit, gas-mask, goggles and an optional headphone radio which helped me look like a radio-controlled alien (handy for scaring the local kids away, as I always looked like I was in the middle of a biological disaster zone).
Anyway, all sorts of stuff went into the flames...body parts, syringes, strange human waste...all properly packed in anonymous containers.
But, the one thing that still gets me, was when a Hiace van arrived up one morning, from another hospital, with some of their 'overflow'. A small man jumped out and proceeded to stack a few black binliners outside the incinerator. Tall and thin they were.
Not thinking, I grabbed the top of the first one and felt a nice little set of toes.....burnt them all, but never felt the same.
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Sat 15 Nov 2003, 14:42,
The uniform was great...boiler suit, gas-mask, goggles and an optional headphone radio which helped me look like a radio-controlled alien (handy for scaring the local kids away, as I always looked like I was in the middle of a biological disaster zone).
Anyway, all sorts of stuff went into the flames...body parts, syringes, strange human waste...all properly packed in anonymous containers.
But, the one thing that still gets me, was when a Hiace van arrived up one morning, from another hospital, with some of their 'overflow'. A small man jumped out and proceeded to stack a few black binliners outside the incinerator. Tall and thin they were.
Not thinking, I grabbed the top of the first one and felt a nice little set of toes.....burnt them all, but never felt the same.