we had an african girl in halls who would cook big pots of black gloop every mealtime, which stank to high heaven.
one of our good friends was a nightmare as a flatmate, he came in pissed one night, decided to start boiling a pan of water for a boiled egg, then wandered off to bed. I came down in the morning to a house full of smoke, the gas hob had been burning on full power ALL night, a black scorched pan, a stench of teflon and a black wall. He also woke us up by banging on the door at 5.30am one morning, covered in his own blood and no idea how it happened. Finally, he was having a laugh one day and threw a bottle of tomato ketchup across the kitchen for 'no apparent reason'. Everything was covered in glass and gloop :(
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 15:09,
one of our good friends was a nightmare as a flatmate, he came in pissed one night, decided to start boiling a pan of water for a boiled egg, then wandered off to bed. I came down in the morning to a house full of smoke, the gas hob had been burning on full power ALL night, a black scorched pan, a stench of teflon and a black wall. He also woke us up by banging on the door at 5.30am one morning, covered in his own blood and no idea how it happened. Finally, he was having a laugh one day and threw a bottle of tomato ketchup across the kitchen for 'no apparent reason'. Everything was covered in glass and gloop :(