Spent a year living with a total psycho called Zoe while at uni. Was moving out of halls after first year and going to get a place with my mate Andy. Zoe (who lived near us in halls) somehow managed to tag herself on to us, and she was to start with an ok girl.. bit 'rah' but nice enough.
Our flat was pretty independant in that we each did our own thing, cooked for ourselves and generally socialised with others outside of the flat. All was fine.
Until odd things started happening...
Rock salt put into my sugar.
Dodgy spice shit put into my coffee
etc etc etc
She even tried to contaminate my washing powder with some dodgy fibre stuff.
The bitch had obviously been looking around my room (stuff moved.. and i then started leaving subtle tell tales to see when she'd been in)
The weird thing was.. she was always polite and fine when we talked..
I then heard via Andy that she's been slagging me off to him and others. Trying to make out that I was a weirdo.. when all i wanted was to be left in peace.
I was close to throwing her out of the flat and just trying to cover her share of the rent myself.
Ended up that we didn't say a word to each other for the last 4 months..
You cannot describe the relief I had going home that next summer.
btw, what is it with phychos and bog roll? She could use up a 9 pack in a week! Was she eating the stuff?
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 11:58,
Our flat was pretty independant in that we each did our own thing, cooked for ourselves and generally socialised with others outside of the flat. All was fine.
Until odd things started happening...
Rock salt put into my sugar.
Dodgy spice shit put into my coffee
etc etc etc
She even tried to contaminate my washing powder with some dodgy fibre stuff.
The bitch had obviously been looking around my room (stuff moved.. and i then started leaving subtle tell tales to see when she'd been in)
The weird thing was.. she was always polite and fine when we talked..
I then heard via Andy that she's been slagging me off to him and others. Trying to make out that I was a weirdo.. when all i wanted was to be left in peace.
I was close to throwing her out of the flat and just trying to cover her share of the rent myself.
Ended up that we didn't say a word to each other for the last 4 months..
You cannot describe the relief I had going home that next summer.
btw, what is it with phychos and bog roll? She could use up a 9 pack in a week! Was she eating the stuff?