There was the bloke from Belfast I lived with as a postgrad, who was OK to talk to but a bit of a liability. I got him a job once at a Bristol paper as a sub, to keep us in beer money. He was rubbish and had lied to me and the employer to get the job (which pissed me off as I'd recommended him). One day, just as we were leaving, he ducked in to an office on another floor and proceeded to call a mate in Ireland. Loudly. This attracted the attention of some people over on the other side of the office, who called security. We were both bundled out and expected to lose our jobs - mine through no fault of my own. The next week two letters arrived. I was at college, but came back to find that he'd opened both his letter *and mine* - his excuse being 'I wanted to make sure you hadn't been sacked'. Quite how jeopardising my job and opening my mail would have made this all right, I still don't know. Anyway, he got sacked, I didn't. He was also a fantasist and used to claim he'd just finished fucking mystery girls he'd randomly met on the street, 'but she's gone now'. This happened several times, but strangely we never once met any of the girls.
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 14:24,

my last flatmate it turned out hadn't paid her half of the rent for 6 months, so left me with a £3500 bill. i was out of the country at the time and came home to find a CCJ had been made against me as co-tenant (flatmate had fucked off somewhere) and I had to foot the bill. did I mention she's my cousin?
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 14:45,

in Sheffield me and my girlfriend lived with a lad, who in himself was bad enough, smokin weed constantly, fucking his slag girlfriend, (his room was directly above the living room, and this was not a well-constructed house, squeak, squeak), and only ever listening to that Eve and Gwen Stefani record at full blast, over and over and over, never washing up and many more things besides. Then another flatmate left (good idea), and the evil one's brother moved in. Truly the spawn of satan...this shit smoked more than cheech and chong, and cheap stinky shit too, used the phone to call indian relatives (in India), but never stumped up any cash, hired out a car using our other flatmates details which he stole from her room(why the hire place let him do this is beyond me, he being male, using female details, but hey), he then subsequently totalled the car and then left the country, leaving our flatmate to deal with the police and us to deal with a £300 phone bill, and when i calmly explained this to his brother, he threatened me with his brothers, who were apparently "really hard", so i asked the landlord to sort it out for us or evict the brother. I then had to move back home leaving my girlfriend in Sheff. while she finished her course, the shit flatmate moved out, but wasn't contactable at his "address" and the landlord let him get away with everything, but continues to chase my girlfriend for £500 rent, which was built up whilst paying for the bills that were caused, mainly, by them, whose collectors are a little more aggressive than the landlord. So, dont go to Sheffield, its shit.
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 15:32,