maybe this makes ME the housemate from hell, I don't know...
I used to share with a couple of people, whose names are withheld, and you'll see why: a girl, and a foreign student fella, both of whom were 90% ok. (apart from the fella leaving the house overnight when I asked him for the £400 in council tax he owed me... another story.)
The girl decided that she'd quite like to move her new boyfriend in with us, into what was already a crowded house, and let him pay no rent, Council tax or share of bills, as he was having a spot of financial trouble.
He was, (un)fortunately, also a fastidiously clean gentleman, who would occupy the bathroom for upwards of 40 minutes each morning, preventing me from showering, brushing teeth, using the loo.
For 3 months I was late for work on account of this, unless I woke up extra early, and beat the fella to the bathroom. Naturally, I resented having to alter my routine to fit in with that of an uninvited guest. So....
I would ask him, whilst he was running his bath, if he'd mind stepping out of the bathroom so I could pee and clean teeth. Being a decent fella, he obliged. I would clean my teeth, and as a thank you note, pee in his oh-so-precious bath water.
Apparently it's rather good for the skin, but it ain't Calvin Klein bubble bath!
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Fri 21 Nov 2003, 10:07,
I used to share with a couple of people, whose names are withheld, and you'll see why: a girl, and a foreign student fella, both of whom were 90% ok. (apart from the fella leaving the house overnight when I asked him for the £400 in council tax he owed me... another story.)
The girl decided that she'd quite like to move her new boyfriend in with us, into what was already a crowded house, and let him pay no rent, Council tax or share of bills, as he was having a spot of financial trouble.
He was, (un)fortunately, also a fastidiously clean gentleman, who would occupy the bathroom for upwards of 40 minutes each morning, preventing me from showering, brushing teeth, using the loo.
For 3 months I was late for work on account of this, unless I woke up extra early, and beat the fella to the bathroom. Naturally, I resented having to alter my routine to fit in with that of an uninvited guest. So....
I would ask him, whilst he was running his bath, if he'd mind stepping out of the bathroom so I could pee and clean teeth. Being a decent fella, he obliged. I would clean my teeth, and as a thank you note, pee in his oh-so-precious bath water.
Apparently it's rather good for the skin, but it ain't Calvin Klein bubble bath!