To give him the benefit of the doubt*
he could well have put a copyright notice on the original image when it first slipped onto the web. That doesn't stop somebody else from copying it and posting it somewhere like ratemykitten.
(I think nohands is overrated anyway - clive is far superior)
(* = to drag this argument out until it drops into the archives)
( ,
Tue 24 Feb 2004, 10:45,
(I think nohands is overrated anyway - clive is far superior)
(* = to drag this argument out until it drops into the archives)
Except that's not how copyright works
You don't have to put a copyright notice on something for it to be copyrighted. See for more information, particularly the "Automatic Creation" paragraph. Since 1978, a copyright notice has only been a formality, not actually required.
( ,
Tue 24 Feb 2004, 19:23,