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# sorry to tj, but tj!
does anybody know of any 'free' news-sources, don't know if anybody remembers my FluffyNews - but BBC have said no! :( (the domain being fucksocks didn't help, either)

i can't think of any other sites which are like BBC news, and i'd really like to actually go live with fluffynews, just need a new source now >.<
(, Thu 4 Mar 2004, 19:51, archived)
# when you say like bbc news
do you mean in content or in file structure, as in php sort?

try indymedia.org
(, Thu 4 Mar 2004, 19:54, archived)
# well, a decent news source (laid out with lots of stories in the
bbc kind of way - ananova is dull) - that won't throw lawyers at me for duplicating and changing their content!

that site does look very good, and i shall definetly bare it in mind - ta!
(, Thu 4 Mar 2004, 19:57, archived)
# yup
agree that ananova is a bit dull
(, Thu 4 Mar 2004, 20:00, archived)