I guess it is the week though
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:32,
I guess it is the week though

But I'm used to the allnighter by now.
only need about 4 hours sleep in every 50.
Aint uni fun?
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:36,
only need about 4 hours sleep in every 50.
Aint uni fun?

*grumbles about ASP coursework and related errors he cant fix*
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:38,

but I've never had any space with asp support, so I've never learned to use it
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:39,

it could be one of two things.
1)i screwed up my connection to the database, which doesn't seem to be it
2)my SQl INSERT INTO statement is screwed, as the debugger thing says.
I'll post it here anyway to see if anyone can see something obvious I cant:
(if this breaks teh board, i'm very sorry Cal)
strSQLQuery2 = "INSERT INTO Users " _
& "(Username, Password, EmailAddress, AccountStatus) " _
& "VALUES (@Username, @Password, @EmailAddress, @AccountStatus)"
It looks fine to me, and all the parameters and values and shit are typed right, i copy and pasted them in from the DB to be sure, so I think it's a problem with my DB connection some how.
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:43,
1)i screwed up my connection to the database, which doesn't seem to be it
2)my SQl INSERT INTO statement is screwed, as the debugger thing says.
I'll post it here anyway to see if anyone can see something obvious I cant:
(if this breaks teh board, i'm very sorry Cal)
strSQLQuery2 = "INSERT INTO Users " _
& "(Username, Password, EmailAddress, AccountStatus) " _
& "VALUES (@Username, @Password, @EmailAddress, @AccountStatus)"
It looks fine to me, and all the parameters and values and shit are typed right, i copy and pasted them in from the DB to be sure, so I think it's a problem with my DB connection some how.

I don't understand SQL at all. I wish I did, but I just struggle through each time I want to use it. I've never learnt it properly
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:44,

You know what the real bitch is, i'm making a whole site based upon a bit of example code a friend did for me, and this is copied from a bit of code he's done which works fine but just with all the relevant variable bits changed.
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:45,

I mean, i've got both pages here, his works, mine doesnt.
My best chance is to just hope he can give it a quick look before work tomorrow.
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:50,
My best chance is to just hope he can give it a quick look before work tomorrow.

/silly question
just thought maybe you called your table something different
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:51,
just thought maybe you called your table something different

I've gone over it all plenty of times.
My current plan of action is leave it as is, and moveon to other bits of the site, which shouldn't cause such troubles *he prays*
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:55,
My current plan of action is leave it as is, and moveon to other bits of the site, which shouldn't cause such troubles *he prays*

if i was back at uni i would have no problem, but my mother will wake me at about 9am, which i will not enjoy.
i'm not a fan of coming home to visit.
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:38,
i'm not a fan of coming home to visit.

and she expects me to hove back home after uni.
Cant find a nice way to say no.
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:41,
Cant find a nice way to say no.

just tell her that if she doesn't let you sleep in, you won't come home
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:48,

"can you give me hand with the rent this week, mum?"
She's got the bases covered.
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Thu 22 Apr 2004, 5:50,
She's got the bases covered.