different visions different technology
the vision of ' conqering nature ( having the knowledge of the gods)' will always result in problems becuase this is knowledge we do NOT possess. It is an ILLUSION, FALSE, NOT REAL, A LIE.
Once the vision becomes ' we are part of nature' then there is no problem..
and the differences are huge..
Mankind was creating things way before agriculture,, BUT mankinds vision changed when we started trying to conquer the world with totalitarian agricultre.
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 14:29,
the vision of ' conqering nature ( having the knowledge of the gods)' will always result in problems becuase this is knowledge we do NOT possess. It is an ILLUSION, FALSE, NOT REAL, A LIE.
Once the vision becomes ' we are part of nature' then there is no problem..
and the differences are huge..
Mankind was creating things way before agriculture,, BUT mankinds vision changed when we started trying to conquer the world with totalitarian agricultre.