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I find that kinda offensive.

The main reason we're protesting is because the government is putting serious consideration into introducing 'top up fees'. Basically what it means is that the better universities will charge their students more money. Here in Oxford this might mean over £10,000 EXTRA PER YEAR

You can buy a lot more than a few pot noodles with that.

Granted, some people can afford it, but the majority of people will not. Can you imagine the access issues if poor British or poor foreign born kids wanted to come here?

Its not about our selfish needs, its about equality.

We're not asking for a free ride, we just dont think it's appropriate to make students pay for their education BEFORE they can afford it. The solution is to tax graduates around 5 to 10 years after they leave, not before they have a source of income.
(, Wed 4 Dec 2002, 12:52, archived)