Cost me all of 3 quid ;-) Must be worth at least £3.50 now.
That and the best of Bernard Cribbens. Still ain't got anything to play them on though. I did buy it for 'Funky Moped' though. Magic roundabout was an added bonus.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:33,
That and the best of Bernard Cribbens. Still ain't got anything to play them on though. I did buy it for 'Funky Moped' though. Magic roundabout was an added bonus.

the only person in the history of Funky Moped to buy it for Funky Moped! :-)
I have a turntable that I'm pretty sure still works, and that connects to modern hi-fis...?
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:35,
I have a turntable that I'm pretty sure still works, and that connects to modern hi-fis...?

as a nipper there was a local pirate radio station (Remember them? oldies?) that played none stop comedy records. Well none stop for about a month til they got busted. Don't know how they got caught, what with a 30 foot aerial sticking out of their balcony 10 floors up a council flat. He he he.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:44,