Yay and Woo
I have my computer back at college now. The have replced the CPU after the last one fried at 86 Degrees cos the fan stopped working. Bugger.
[Coo] is one of the Originals..,
Wed 24 Apr 2002, 8:27,
I used to work in a studio
where you could keep pizza warm on the power supply to the mixing desk..
Wed 24 Apr 2002, 8:28,
Its the
Room we are in. It has about 25 computers, pretty small room, it gets realy hot. All the computers only have one cpu fan, they need about 3. It just gets to hot and all the computers screw up. O well, not my money there wasteing fixing them all.
[Coo] is one of the Originals..,
Wed 24 Apr 2002, 8:37,