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# I can't use the Gimp.
I have tried. I reaaly wanted to switch to it, but it is too unintuitive.
(, Wed 31 Jan 2007, 22:38, archived)
# Give it time
You'll get used to it.

I think it's the same when you switch to any new image editor.
(, Wed 31 Jan 2007, 22:40, archived)
# i managed
just about ok with it, but it was my first go with it, so ill see how it goes when i get more into it, which i may well do since i seem to be leaving lurker-dom
(, Wed 31 Jan 2007, 22:41, archived)
# Heh
I try to stay away from Lurkerdom (pop. unknown), but unless I'm in a specific mood I always end back up there...
(, Wed 31 Jan 2007, 22:43, archived)
# These might help
(, Wed 31 Jan 2007, 22:55, archived)