I like this compo, although it may get old quickly
Cocodaye Miasere likes chips and peas,
Thu 11 Oct 2007, 0:00,
Belive me, it will
How hard is it to work out that compos based on celebrities don't last more than a day before they go to shit?
Guineapiggy Fuzzeh!,
Thu 11 Oct 2007, 0:03,
I hate this compo.
Actually that's not true. What I hate the poor quality of most of the entries in this compo. This Alf post is a rare exception, it's quite good.
Purple Martin is board sigless,
Thu 11 Oct 2007, 0:05,
Selecting a good compo is hard
and I dont envy rob or Fraser for that
Cocodaye Miasere likes chips and peas,
Thu 11 Oct 2007, 0:30,