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# pfft
Gaah! I'm agoing to have a rant. Fucking narrow minded ignorant soddingblighty-muncher. Watching a programme and their trying to bring in food relating to the influences of the author that set up the now National trust owned estate.
They're going for small menu of Morrocan and Persian food. Fucking uneducated, WI meating, social Christian goes, 'Oh. I don't think we want Chinese food here!'
Ban this sick filth!
(, Sun 22 Feb 2009, 22:24, archived)
# tv's bad for you, man
you end up a drooling incomprehensible mlnlmlgnlmglng.
(, Sun 22 Feb 2009, 22:39, archived)
# I only watch it online:P
(, Sun 22 Feb 2009, 22:51, archived)