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» Mar 2009 «

Featuring B3ta's very own hexachordal, The Velvet Sneaker invites you to enjoy the fine musical distractions of some of London's most exciting artists.
Secreted away in the alcoves of The Troubadour, will you meet The Velvet Sneaker?
Line-up - Volume 1:
- Catherine Tran
- Tom Milsom
- The Loose Salute
- Animal Kingdom
- Treetop Flyers
FB Event -
The Velvet Sneaker wishes not to bombard the B3ta Calendar with non-b3ta related events, so details of volumes 2 and 3 can be found by downloading the press release here:
It's all in aid of Oxjam, so you'll be negating any recent posts that may have earned you a ticket to Hull.
You can Gaz me for more information should you require it - The Velvet Sneaker is a mysterious fellow and must not be disturbed.
Good day to you all.
The Troubadour [map]
The Velvet Sneaker presents... Oxjam
Going: perfectrhys (1 people).
» Mar 2009 «