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» May 2011 «

set of trolling cunts

so im on this message board......when me son fell asleep and i thought, well, i may as well try sleeping too.......so i trolled for 5 minutes longer!!

double lol

night night
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:08, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
So who thinks Mortal Wombat is a nonce?

( Jam Master Geordie FACEBOOK FANPAGE! tinyurl.com/ctbb2q ., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:50, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
e certainly seems like one, thats a shit pun he's got as a name too

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:51, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
i wish fannybitch was here to see this

(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:52, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
im here

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:53, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
who dere?...i hear voice...soooo cold...
rip sweet fannybiatch

(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:55, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
no 'a' in fannybitch squire

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:55, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
sweet sweet fnnybitch

(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:57, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
that needs a 'u' in it

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:58, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:58, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
if your humour was to work there you would have wroted :
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:59, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
try harder

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:00, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
i need sleeps n cheerios
farewell fnybich
(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:01, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
night night
derek irons plexiglass 4
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:01, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
I have no idea
as I don't know the person known as "mortal wombat" What is the evidence?
( oldpoint is up in space doing important work for NASA., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:54, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I dunno.
People seem to think it.
I don't know why.
( Jam Master Geordie FACEBOOK FANPAGE! tinyurl.com/ctbb2q ., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:55, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
must be true then
everything you read in the newspapers and on the internet is true**

**may not be true
( oldpoint is up in space doing important work for NASA., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:56, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
As long as it's not troo.

( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:01, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I'll assume innocent until proven guilty.

( oldpoint is up in space doing important work for NASA., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:04, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
he was found with images on his lap top
indecent images of children
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:55, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
I think the internet jury's still out on that one.
I'm on the NO side if that's any help.
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:55, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Oh it's like Mike Reids 'Runaround'
I'm going to stand on the 'NO' with you Studge.
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:58, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I'll join you
*waits for spotlight with fingers crossed*
( oldpoint is up in space doing important work for NASA., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:00, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:04, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
*stands still*
*looks around and suddenly feels very very lonely*

*jumps across at the last second*
( oldpoint is up in space doing important work for NASA., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:06, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

( oldpoint is up in space doing important work for NASA., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:09, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
the police, allegedly

( Frightguy, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:08, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
stop trying to guess who i am
cos im no one, its not a fake account, you'll twist yourselves into knots and accuse innocent people, i come here to copy funny images to my facebook account, read QOTW when i cant sleep and get the newsletter.......much too busy having a life to spend every wakin moment on here, im only on now cos my son is badly and sat at side of me watching DVD's cos he cant sleep and so i thought id piss y'all off.

Yours sincerely

a boy called lee
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:43, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
You're rubbish.
Next please.
( Mu has the cautious horn, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:45, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
i know you are you said you are but what am i?

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:49, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)

( Mu has the cautious horn, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:52, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
thats good
its like a loop negating the need for us to repeat ourselves, good work, erm, 7 out of 10 for you
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:54, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)

( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:45, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
your son is badly?

( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:46, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
badly/a bit poorly
high temerature, got asthma, we've had a father son cuddle and he might need the extra medicine of toy story DVD, he's settled now while i get accused of being shit, alas, if i was shit, i wouldn't be worth a reply, so i must not be shit
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:48, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)

( vladimir gentle self-satire, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:50, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
no no no, you've got me all wrong
couldnt give 2 figs what you think of my son being under the weather, he's my son i'll deal with him, you cunts can all fuck off when it comes to my son, and i'm really not looking for any of you to think of me as anything other than an irritating wankercunt, im just explaining why im on the internet at such a late hour
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:53, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
I thought you meant baldy
I bet he is though. Give him some calpol and its YOU that wants to see Toy Story isn't it?
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:51, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Wait, frisbee-boy is baldmonkey's dad?
When did THAT happen The LOVELY HATD?
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:57, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
That thought just made my brain implode
That must have happened in a Carry on film at some point. NOT in real life.
I couldn't cope.
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:00, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
too juch calpol today for the little beast
i over ruled him its true, he wanted toy story 2, number one is far better
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:57, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
GAWD. Does he NOT know anything?
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:01, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
i know
fucking tosser
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:02, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)

( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:06, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
i would too

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:06, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
It might be me.

( Jam Master Geordie FACEBOOK FANPAGE! tinyurl.com/ctbb2q ., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:46, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

well I hope you're happy now, Muriel has had to go to bed with one of her sick headaches
( vladimir gentle self-satire, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:46, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I know you**
**may not be true
( oldpoint is up in space doing important work for NASA., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:46, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
your son is a baddie
dont let him steals da gold
(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:47, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
alright everyone?
remember parachat?
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:35, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
Somebody fill me in on what this is.
I've not got long.
Is Mortal Wombat being out attention seeked?
( Jam Master Geordie FACEBOOK FANPAGE! tinyurl.com/ctbb2q ., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:36, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:37, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
by a long time reader first time poster
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:38, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
Have you ever been wound up at me?
( Jam Master Geordie FACEBOOK FANPAGE! tinyurl.com/ctbb2q ., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:38, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
dont think so
i dont particularily (real word? doubt it)

i dont particularly remember peoples names to be fair i only come on once or twice a week
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:40, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
Well.. Howdy..
I'm JMG. I'm the hero, I'm generally in control.
( Jam Master Geordie FACEBOOK FANPAGE! tinyurl.com/ctbb2q ., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:43, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
howdy pardner

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:44, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
and he's not kidding either

( oldpoint is up in space doing important work for NASA., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:44, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
i assumed he wasn't
there was no 'lol' at the end of his sentence
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:49, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)

please stop making more work for Mrs Widderton, you know she's gone a bit peculiar these days and we can't afford to loose another one so soon
( vladimir gentle self-satire, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:37, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
oh that takes me back

(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:41, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
No Dekion, you're thinking of Paraquat.
The stuff you and Dave Trouser used to drink down by the canal.
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:44, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
rip sweet jimz
4vr n r rtz
(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:46, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Poor Dave Trouser. We shall not smell his like again.
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:47, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
No no no Studje
he is thinking of Parquet flooring that him and Dave Trouser used to slide along on on their knees while listening to Boney-M at a wedding.
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:48, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I was outside to watch the moonrise just now, it looked a bit like an orange shark fin.
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:59, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
That must be nice where you are
even if it looks a bit sharky.
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:03, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
It's a gorgeous evening, but we might well go into fog.
There's hardly a cloud in the sky at the moment but the relative humidity is 92%.
Still, at least nobody's flying.
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:10, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
What did I miss?
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:27, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Looks down
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:29, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
some right cunts on tonight
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:30, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
mostly me

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:30, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
alright Wormulus

( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:32, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:33, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)

they're all making such a terrible mess :(((
( vladimir gentle self-satire, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:30, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Aint they!
I hope Mr.Bennett is booked in for a morning clean up.
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:32, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

he can't do any of the heavy stuff since that accident with the wheelbarrow, we'll have to hope that it's one of Mrs Widderton's days, although I did catch her behaving very oddly on the stairs last wednesday week
( vladimir gentle self-satire, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:36, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I thought that
she just has not been the same since the 'pepper in the soup' incident. I worry for her heart I really do.
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:39, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
The Cosby Show
It's the one where Theo does meth and gangfucks Rudy.
(Dekionplexis IV Memory Upload at Xenonet.333 (Discunt for Noonet), Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:32, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Don't worry.
I've hardly posted.
( Jam Master Geordie FACEBOOK FANPAGE! tinyurl.com/ctbb2q ., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:32, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Not much The LOVELY HATD.
Frisbee-boy's just having another mental breakdown. He's claiming to be called fannybitch now.
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:33, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
hello gorgeous!
No way Frisbee face is that quick at thinkin....
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:35, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
We don't know. He might have taken MASSIVE SMARTDRUGS.

( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:37, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Or had an impromptu brain transplant.

( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:37, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
He is a were-pig
So NO way..His mum put him to bed hours ago.
( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:42, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
is that praise?
thankyou very much, come the revolution, you will be spared
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:37, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
no, im not a fake account i promise

im actually proud people think im someone notorious tho
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:36, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
Only frisbee-boy would describe himself as "notorious". Anyone else would say "dull needy spastic".
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:39, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Either him or Duran Duran.

( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:42, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Or that fat dead rap bloke.

( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:46, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:49, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:55, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Don't humour me studge

( Herb Alperts Taxi Driver is the Disco Exorcist., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:05, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:14, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
yeah go for it.

( speshulknees dependent on coastal molluscs, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:16, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

not now silly, your expecting it now
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:17, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
I suspect people would get really bored.
Insults? too late for that, I fear.
( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:16, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
@laverneshow if you guys go down, I will kill myself :( Listening since the very first day, been there all through uni. Some tough times..

( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:17, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I'm not really up to speed, these days
which one are you?
( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:18, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I'm sibod.

( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Ok, fair does.
it's good to check.

why are you posting twatter?
( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:21, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:21, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
god speed.

( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:25, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
is this a twitter thing?
I'm astonished that someone that stupid is allowed to go to university.
( speshulknees dependent on coastal molluscs, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:20, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Intelligence is rarely a decisive factor in selection these days.

( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:23, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal postbut you're actually wrong
this is not a fake account, or a newbie, just been here bored and took an instant dislike to an elitist pair of arse kissing cunts, jesus, i only made one poor repetitive joke, tell em off miss, go on, tell em
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:11, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT! or this
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal post
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT!
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply) im 28
I could beat that record now, in fact, I'm a third of the way there already This:
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal postbut you're actually wrong
this is not a fake account, or a newbie, just been here bored and took an instant dislike to an elitist pair of arse kissing cunts, jesus, i only made one poor repetitive joke, tell em off miss, go on, tell em
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:11, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT! or this
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal post
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT!
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
obsidian nipples. my friend.

( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:20, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
or this
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal post
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT!
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:20, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
i wouldnt
work n that

then id have the day to think 'fuck it, im goin to do the same tonight'
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
obsidian nipples. my friend.

( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:20, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
or this
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal post
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT!
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:20, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
You'd be back in the morning whinging about being sorry and banging on about what you've eaten.

( JackAction Killed, not dead., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:21, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
i wouldnt
work n that

then id have the day to think 'fuck it, im goin to do the same tonight'
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:24, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
Really? That's probably the saddest thing I've heard.

( JackAction Killed, not dead., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:25, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
i like to be tragic on my tragic roundabout
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:27, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
Even compared to this?
in paddington station. Off to gape at Tardis set again. Train is full. Trying to gage how shocked people would be if i necked whisky neat.
( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:29, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
i like the cut of your jib

(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:31, Ignore, Hide, Delete, Edit, I like this! Reply)
Poor Paddington Bear.
The years ain't been kind to him.
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:35, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal postbut you're actually wrong
this is not a fake account, or a newbie, just been here bored and took an instant dislike to an elitist pair of arse kissing cunts, jesus, i only made one poor repetitive joke, tell em off miss, go on, tell em
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:11, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT! or this
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal post
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT!
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
obsidian nipples. my friend.

( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:20, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
or this
what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb, 1:14 …)
This is a normal post
^^heheheheh STUPID HAT!
( stuj BALDMONKEY FOR CHIEF MOD!, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
(fannybitch, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:20, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
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( JackAction Killed, not dead., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:24, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

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what would happen
if i just made loads of accounts up and copied and pasted everything thats already been written here as a new thread?

insults below please
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:14, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
yeah go for it.

( speshulknees dependent on coastal molluscs, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:16, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)

not now silly, your expecting it now
(fannybitch doesnt give much of a rag mans trumpet, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:17, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I suspect people would get really bored.
Insults? too late for that, I fear.
( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:16, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
@laverneshow if you guys go down, I will kill myself :( Listening since the very first day, been there all through uni. Some tough times..

( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:17, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I'm not really up to speed, these days
which one are you?
( the mighty badger is Macooly Cokein, covered in bees., Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:18, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
I'm sibod.

( Gvpyczjppcl laverne you are so much better, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 1:19, Add friend, Ignore, Hide, I like this! Reply)
Ok, fair does.
it's good to check.

why are

(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 2:32, Reply)

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